" Come sit by my side and over a cup of tea, speak to me of the goodness of life."
Lady Evelyn Fitzgerald Dodson

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hawaiian Islands Tea Company

With temperatures hovering in the 90s and low 100s degrees Farenheit, we've been serving iced tea in the parlor this week. We have just finished the Hawaiian Islands Tea Company passionafruit na pali black tea, and enjoyed it very much. It has a very mild, fruity taste, just sweet enough that no added sugar is needed. This is probably too weak a tea to drink hot, but it makes an excellent and refreshing iced tea. With the added bonus we can pretend we're sitting on a lanai in Hawaii whilst sipping it, rather than in our windowless cubicle. Our thanks to Lori and Jim, who brought this tea back with them from a recent vacation in Hawaii. Next up--the pineapple tea from the same company.

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